Sponsorship Opportunities & Fees


  • Full conference registration for four (4) members of your firm
  • Exclusive sponsor of the NJASLA 2022 Annual Awards presentation or Diversity Summit
  • Premier Sponsor recognition on the NJASLA AM registration site
  • Premier Sponsor recognition on the NJASLA AM website homepage
  • Exclusive sponsor of AM program, to include “Sponsored by” logo on the cover and one (1) full-page advertisement*
  • Will be non-exclusive without Premier Sponsor
  • Run of site banner ads displayed around the NJASLA AM website in available pages
  • Premier logo inclusion and hyperlink on all NJASLA promotional material, social media channels, and media outreach
  • Two (2) Minute Opening Remarks at the beginning of the conference (live or taped)
  • Four (4) dedicated email blasts and supporting sponsored social media to NJASLA membership
  • Listing in the NJASLA Today newsletter and on NJASLA’s webpage at www.njasla.org
  • Featured company name in the exhibitor list; to appear on top of the list
  • Virtual EXPO space to showcase company products, services, videos and promotions with lead generation


  • Full conference registration for two (2) members of your firm
  • Option to sponsor one keynote session during the 2022 NJASLA AM
  • Sponsored session recognitions to include:
    • Logo in session list on NJASLA AM website
    • Logo above session details on NJASLA AM website
  • General Sponsor recognition on the NJASLA AM website homepage
  • General Sponsor recognition on the NJASLA AM registration site
  • Run of site banner ads displayed around the website in available pages
  • Only available without Premier Sponsor
  • General Sponsor logo inclusion and hyperlink on all NJASLA promotional material, social media channels, and media outreach
  • Two (2) dedicated email blasts and supporting sponsored social media to NJASLA membership
  • Listing in the NJASLA Today newsletter and on NJASLA’s webpage at www.njasla.org
  • Featured company name in the exhibitor list (alphabetical order in the event of multiple General Sponsors)
    (NOTE: maximum five exhibitors may be listed; Premier Sponsors receive priority)
  • Virtual EXPO space to showcase company products, services, videos and promotions with lead generation


  • Full conference registration for one (1) members of your firm
  • Run of site banner ads displayed around the NJASLA AM website in available pages
  • Supporting Sponsor recognition on the NJASLA AM Website Homepage
  • Supporting Sponsor recognition on the NJASLA AM registration site
  • Supporting Sponsor logo inclusion and hyperlink on all NJASLA promotional material, social media channels, and media outreach
  • Listing in the NJASLA Today newsletter and on NJSALA’s webpage at www.njasla.org
  • Featured company name in the exhibitor list (alphabetical order in the event of multiple Supporting Sponsors)
    (NOTE: maximum five exhibitors may be listed; Premier and General Sponsors receive priority
  • Virtual EXPO space to showcase company products, services, videos and promotions
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